Your Energy is Your First Ingredient

Have you ever wondered why one person's macaroni & cheese tastes so much better than the next, even though they are using the same ingredients? The truth is; they are NOT using the same ingredients...

Did you know that there is ONE ingredient that is in every single meal that was ever made, and it is the most important ingredient of all?...It can't be found on a tree, in a shell, in the sea, nor on land. It is not a spice, an herb, a vegetable, nor even a fruit.

The FIRST ingredient that goes into any meal is a person's energy! The preparer's energy becomes the base of that meal, and their energy is infused into every single component of the dish. It vibrates through the utensils used. It hangs in the air through the aromatics, and lingers on the tongue through the taste buds. THAT, beloveds, is what sets meals apart! And THAT is why my client's keep coming back for more.

View the gallery below to experience some of my favorite creations.

Comment below what your favorite image is and I just might drop the recipe for the one with the most votes!


I’m Excited to Share this with You!


Books for Transformation