A Season of Change
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

A Season of Change

You have the ability to create the 2021 you deeply desire. You also have the ability to create the 2021 you most fear the most. We all have this power. It's called...our MINDS. And it is ok to change it Let's talk about how powerful the mind is in simpler terms...

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Fall into YOU!
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Fall into YOU!

Equinox translates to equal night...it is a day of balance. But I want you to FALL...free fall into the abyss of Self. Let your arms dangle , your head sway, and your legs turn to jelly and just fall...deep into YOU.

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Make Food Majestic Again
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Make Food Majestic Again

Bring Forth the Majesty in your Meals with Love and GRACE. When you TRUST your food to SERVE you, in essence, you are building a relationship with your food. And like man's best friend, food becomes your most loyal, faithful subject that only wants what is best for you!

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Chef Ameera Chef Ameera


NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION in order to gain the MOMENTUM you need in life! And there is only a 10 second window to make it happen. Let me explain...

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Virgo Season & The Root Chakra
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Virgo Season & The Root Chakra

The constellation of Virgo is in the image of the maiden carrying a stalk of wheat. Wheat is a symbol of abundance, fertility, and life! Wheat kernels cannot become blossoming grains of wheat unless they are first rooted in fertile soil within the Earth.

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The Importance of the Ancestors
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

The Importance of the Ancestors

Roots...We all have Ancestors. We did not get here by ourselves. Every last one of us has a tribe of individuals that came before us. And whether or not you are conscious of this connection, your ancestors and the ancestral realm are very real.

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Speak Life into your Food
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Speak Life into your Food

Saying grace is a beautiful and powerful way to practice gratitude. With that said, we can do so much more that just give thanks for our meals. We, in fact, can issue instructions and set intentions every time we eat a meal. This is an incredible activation for the Throat Chakra!

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