Books for Transformation
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Books for Transformation

When you pick up a book (or use a device) and turn the pages or swipe the screens, you engage your kinesthetics. Whether audibly from reading aloud or internally, you can "hear" yourself reading the words.

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Is your “WiFi” connected?
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Is your “WiFi” connected?

When these things are connected, so are you! Connected to Source and higher consciousness. Connected to the Universe and the stream of abundance and prosperity. Connected to life. Check your signal. And get connected! Don't know how?...

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Chef Ameera Chef Ameera


Earth is calling you, pressing you to meet her in the great outdoors to plant your feet firmly on her bosom, so she can exchange your energy with what you need to move about with grace, confidence, purpose, and vitality!

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Map your meals and TAP into the magic within
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Map your meals and TAP into the magic within

When you begin crafting your meals from what you want to manifest versus what's on sale this week at the market, then you begin to make food choices led by spirit. This is true "spirit cooking" 😏.

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Sounds so Sweet!
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Sounds so Sweet!

How many of you like to listen to music while you cook? Everyone who knows me knows that I always enjoy listening to music while I create magic in the kitchen. I listen to high vibrational, upbeat, sassy, sexy jams that not only lift my spirits, but keep my team energized and focused as well.

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Melanin Magic Meals
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

Melanin Magic Meals

The POWER and INFLUENCE you have when creating meals genuinely stems from the ingredients themselves. It is simply what you DO with the ingredients that gives you your power in crafting magical meals. The alchemy involved is what creates the influence, or in essence, the affects that your meals have.

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October is Here! Time to Give Birth…
Chef Ameera Chef Ameera

October is Here! Time to Give Birth…

October 1, 2020 finds us in the 40th week of the year. What does this mean? All the hopes, ideas, ambitions, and dreams that you have been conceiving, developing, nurturing, sending love to, and protecting all year long are ready to be birthed! THAT is the energy that this new month ushers in!

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